Many consumers remain pessimistic
Trulia commissioned Harris Poll to survey Americans about their view of the current and future housing market. Business Insider reported the results. Their research found that 80 percent of people in the important millennial demographic hope to someday own their own home. They found that 75 percent of people in all age brackets still hold onto the American dream of home ownership. About 22 percent of respondents believe it will be more difficult to obtain a home loan in 2016 than it was in the preceding years, due primarily to rising interest rates. Thirty-one percent of those millennials say they do plan to purchase a home by 2018. Their job status and how much money they have saved for a down payment will determine whether they pursue that goal in 2016 or later.
Fannie Mae and FHA try to make obtaining a loan easier
In addition to more buyers understanding the importance of title insurance, home buyers are more cautious about getting a home loan. In an effort to draw some of the qualified buyers who are still sitting on the sidelines into the market, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) lowered premiums on mortgage insurance below the traditional 0.85 percent to 1.35 percent. That is enough to save home buyers about $900 each year on their mortgage insurance. Additionally, Fannie Mae is also trying to make the path to home ownership smoother for buyers. Buyers qualified in other ways can get a home with as little as 3 percent down.
Another effort to make buying easier is the HomeReady mortgage program. HomeReady takes into consideration the income of other people living in the home, without these people being listed as a borrower on the mortgage. This means if a person represents at least 30 percent of the household income, their earnings can count toward the loan qualification. This program can also be used to include persons not living under the roof, like the parents of millennials who are willing to help their children with some monetary assistance.
Boomerang buyers may be coming back into market
While the first-time buyers get the most attention, it is the boomerang buyers who are likely to determine the overall strength of the 2016 housing market. The Northwestern University Institute for Policy Research estimates that approximately seven million people across the United States lost their home to foreclosure during the recession. While the lenders may be reluctant to lend money to anyone who has a foreclosure in their past, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says almost one million of those people who lost a home previously are looking to buy again. The housing market will never fully recover until this demographic is once again allowed to borrow money to get their American dream back.

It is important that all home buyers be more prudent with their purchase decision. This includes being sure they can comfortably afford their mortgage. They should also have a thorough home inspection, and purchase title insurance for their own protection, in addition to the title insurance that protects the lender.